Week 1: Scripture Reading
Sermon on the Mount Daily Reading
Day 1 – Matthew 5:1-16
Day 2 – Matthew 5:17-48
Day 3 – Matthew 6:1-21
Day 4 – Matthew 6:22-34
Day 5 – Matthew 7:1-12
Day 6 – Matthew 7:13-23
Day 7 – Matthew 7:24-29
Week 2: Prayer
6 step guide to prayer
Step One: Start with Praise & Worship
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”
Step Two: Pray God’s Will Be Done
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Step Three: Pray For Your Needs
“Give us this day our daily bread,”
Step Four: Confess Sin & Ask For Forgiveness
“..and forgive us our debts,”
Step Five: Ask For Help Forgiving Others
“..as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
Step Six: Pray For Safety, Protection & Deliverance
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
Week 3: Sabbath Rest
5 Keys for developing a healthy habit of Sabbath
Week 4: Generosity
Being generous with Time, Talent, & Treasure
I will be generous with ________________________.
Week 5: Fasting
The Bible has 2 types of fasts, generally lasted from morning to evening.
Reasons for fasting: Repentance, Grieving, Danger, Worship, Direction, Preparation
Fasting is a serious response to a serious need for God