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Series Recap

A person is praying with their hands folded in front of a bible.

Week 1: Scripture Reading

Sermon on the Mount Daily Reading

Day 1 – Matthew 5:1-16

Day 2 – Matthew 5:17-48

Day 3 – Matthew 6:1-21

Day 4 – Matthew 6:22-34

Day 5 – Matthew 7:1-12

Day 6 – Matthew 7:13-23

Day 7 – Matthew 7:24-29

Week 2: Prayer

6 step guide to prayer

Step One: Start with Praise & Worship

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

Step Two: Pray God’s Will Be Done

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Step Three: Pray For Your Needs

“Give us this day our daily bread,”

Step Four: Confess Sin & Ask For Forgiveness

“..and forgive us our debts,”

Step Five: Ask For Help Forgiving Others

“..as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Step Six: Pray For Safety, Protection & Deliverance

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Week 3: Sabbath Rest

5 Keys for developing a healthy habit of Sabbath

  1. Stop focusing on what you can't do and start focusing of all the things you can do
  2. It's not just about resting, it's about being filled by God
  3. Pick a time that works well for you and those around you
  4. Consistency is key
  5. Start small and grow your practice from there

Week 4: Generosity

Being generous with Time, Talent, & Treasure

I will be generous with ________________________.

Week 5: Fasting

The Bible has 2 types of fasts, generally lasted from morning to evening.

  1. Normal – No food
  2. Absolute – No food & drink (max 3 day)

Reasons for fasting: Repentance, Grieving, Danger, Worship, Direction, Preparation

Fasting is a serious response to a serious need for God

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